Using Credit Key with eCommerce Integrated Partners
Our eCommerce integration offers a frictionless B2B payments experience, to allow you to checkout with Credit Key right from your merchant's cart!
If you see Credit Key as a payment option on your merchant's website, follow these steps:
- Add your items to your shopping cart, and initiate the checkout process
- Under the payment methods, select "Pay with Credit Key"
- Sign in with the mobile number on your Credit Key account, and enter the 6 digit code sent via SMS
- Select the term option you would like, and confirm the order!
Your merchant will see that you've paid for your order through Credit Key. Once they process the order for payment, your loan clock with Credit Key will start and your payment schedule will be available through your Credit Key portal.
For a list of signed partners, please visit: What merchants have the Credit Key option to pay at checkout?
Using Credit Key with Partners Offline (CSR)
If your merchant is a partner with Credit Key and they do not offer our in-cart integration, simply let your sales rep know that you would like to place an order with Credit Key and they can process the order!
Once your sales rep processes the order, you'll receive an email to confirm your terms on the order
- Click the link in the email you received to Pay with Credit Key
- Sign in with the mobile number on your Credit Key account, and enter the 6 digit code sent via SMS
- Select the term option you would like, and confirm the order!
Your merchant will see that you've paid for your order through Credit Key. Once they process the order for payment, your loan clock with Credit Key will start and your payment schedule will be available through your Credit Key portal.
Using Credit Key with Any Qualified Vendor in the USA!
If our merchant partners do not offer exactly what you're looking for, you can still submit your invoice to us to use your Credit Key trade credit to finance your unpaid invoice.
Click here to submit your invoice!
Please note that all invoices are subject to the review and approval of our Risk Department before we can offer financing. For more details please visit What does my invoice need to meet the requirements for Credit Key Anywhere?
After you've obtained an invoice that meets our requirements, please visit our article My merchant does not have an option to pay with Credit Key, can I still use Credit Key? for instructions on using Credit Key Anywhere.
I'm trying to checkout with Credit Key, and it sends me to the application page
I am not receiving my verification code to sign in
For any other questions, contact our team by visiting