If your order is ready to be shipped, or shipping within the next few days you can mark the order as "Shipped" to receive the funds.
To have the funds for the order disbursed to your bank, you can follow these steps:
Step 1
Navigate to the "Orders" tab in your Credit Key portal, and search the name of the Company or locate the order that is ready to be shipped.
Keep in mind the order status must be "Placed," which means the terms have been confirmed by the borrower, and the funds are ready to be released by Credit Key.
Step 2
Hover your mouse on the right of the "Placed" status, and click on the three dots next to it "..." to see the drop-down options.
Step 3
Click "Ship" to mark the order as shipped.
- Marking an order as “Shipped” will trigger the ACH Transfer to your account.
- If you are integrated into an eCommerce platform, the order status will be automatically updated for you when the order is marked as shipped inside your platform.
- The funds will appear in your next settlement file and will take 2-3 business days to post with your bank.