If you have already been approved and you see an error page while checking out, this usually means that the shipping information you entered in the checkout does not match what we have on your Credit Key account.
Please make sure that the following information on your shipping page is an exact match to what we have on file:
- Your company name
- Your email
- Your phone number
If none of the options listed above work, please try the following:
- Clear your browser cookies and cache
- Use Google Chrome
- Use an incognito window
If you see a message that says we could not authorize the first payment on your card, please check that your payment method on file has enough funds for Credit Key to authorize the first of four payments the day the purchase is made.
This is necessary because the first payment is due the day the order ships, and oftentimes, it can ship the same day the order is placed.
If none of the fixes listed work, you may be experiencing a bug or technical issue, so please contact us right away for further assistance!